March 2025

1-Click is flying and our 10 huge submitters are pulling triple shifts…

1-Click is flying and our 10 huge submitters are pulling triple shifts…


Wow! I-Click flew out the door during pre-launch and sales show no signs of slowing down…

1-Click submits members sites like clockwork, all on complete auto-pilot, and members are making gobs of cash by simply telling their contacts about 1-Click.

When used with 1-click marketing, sokule, kulesearch and sokulesubmitter work very well to maximise your exposure for your site.

Take a look at the amazing collection of top-shelf submitters 1-Click submits your websites automatically to…

* A Cutting-Edge Ping Submitter
* A High-Level Search Engine Submitter
* A Super Advanced Trackback Submitter
* A Hi-Tech Social Bookmark Submitter
* A Sophisticated Keyword Trackback Submitter
* An Ingeniously Classified submitter
* An Innovative Trackback Blog Submitter
* A Revolutionary Scuttle Buster Submitter
* An Automatic Pligg Submitter
* A Trailblazing PHPDug Social Poster

and a partridge in a pear tree…

Wait! Scratch that!

There is NO partridge in a pear tree, but 1-Click does do everything else.

If you have one website to promote or dozens, 1-Click can handle all your sites effortlessly.

Go straight to…
==> <== Simply purchase the number of campaigns you want and let 1-Click do the rest. Word of caution. 1-Click is not an instant coffee fix. It takes time to build quality backlinks and if you did it manually it could take you a very long time. 1-Click removes effort. You pay a one time fee per campaign for one website and you get lifetime advertising without having to lift a finger once your campain is set up.. 1-Click will automatically submit all your websites each month for ever. Perhaps now you can see why 1000s of smart business owners and marketers have already joined and thousands of campaigns have been purchased. Go straight to... ==> <== But that is not all... As part of our huge launch, each package you order comes with 1 million up to 10 million list building credits at our flagship website, Sokule. These bonuses are valued at $1270 to $12,700 depending on the packages you choose. Need $100, $500, $1000 or more for Christmas. If you are a good promoter the sky is the limit if you join right now. Note: You must purchase at least one campaign if you wish to promote 1-Click. We are strong believers that you should only promote a product you have personally reviewed and used first. That way you can speak first hand about the product and can honestly say you use 1-Click. Go straight to... ==> <== Get on board, set your camaigns up and let 1-Click start building the quality traffic you need. Manjit Biant 1-Click When you simply must have the best. PS: Make sure you claim your super valuable Sokule credits bonus after you purchase your first campaign. When using 1-click marketing along with sokule or kuleserach you have a powerful combination. Let's suppose... That you are posting your messages all over the net: at facebook and linked in and Twitter,pinterest etc. Or using 1-click marketing. Let's Suppose... That you are emailing to dozens of list a day. Let's suppose... That your post or email gets you no results No One responds. We all have those days right? It's a bad day or... the stars are not aligned in the right place or maybe your viewers simply don't want what you are selling that day. I call them bad hair days:) But you can turn a "bad hair day" into a good one using our really neat tool called Kulebuzz at KuleSearch Instead of sending out a message with your regular link in it. Post or email your message out using a kulebuzz link in it instead of the regular link that you use. When using the link it advertises Kulesearch as well. Notice where it clicks through to It clicks through to my affiliate link for KuleSearch and when you generate a kulebuzz link at KuleSearch, it is your affiliate link that shows when people click through on the banner. So, If it is a bad hair day and no one wants to buy what you are selling, you are still promoting your own KuleSearch affiliate link when you use a kulebuzz link to promote with. There are lots of reasons to use a kulebuzz link. You can get ranked on Google page 1 really easily usually within 48 hours when you use a kulebuzz link You can pop your kulebuzz link into submitters like KulePing and 1 click Marketing Machine and Sokule Submit and you will get much better results from using a Kulebuzz link than using an affiliate link But... Today I just wanted to call your attention to the fact that even if no one is buying what you are selling on any particular day, if you use a kulebuzz link, you have a second bite at the apple all the time. If people click on that very noticable, bright friendly banner on the left hand side, they will sign up under you at KuleSearch and that means dough in your pocket Fund your kulesearch account with 10 bucks today and start using the power of Kulebuzz at KuleSearch Get the picture?

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