December 2012

James Bond, Daniel Craig, The Queen, Prince Charles, Prince William & Princess Kate

James Bond, Daniel Craig, The Queen, Prince Charles, Prince William & Princess Kate

The recent James Bond has made quite a stir – some say it has been the best Bond movie so far.

It even stars the queen, the queen of England. What a nice change for the royal family to […]

Imagine having over 100,000 people see your message each day…

Imagine having over 100,000 people see your message each day

If you have you ever wanted to post your offers to more that 100,000 social media users without getting banned, then I have some good news for you…

Our simple 1-click system makes reaching the masses drop deap easy.

Forget […]

Reach 100,000 plus people each day with your best offer….

If you have been butting your head against a wall trying to build a profitable online business, or struggling just make some extra money each week to pay some bills, you can reach more than 100,000 active users of Sokule Submit today.

Our simple 1-click system makes reaching the masses drop deap easy.


Happy Christmas and sing Christmas Carols


Have a good christmas and please enjoy singing those christmas carols


Away In A Manger


Enjoy this beautiful song

Silent Night

Susan Boyle


Your Website – Top of the Search Results – Every Time

Your Website – Top of the Search Results – Every Time

Everyone has favorite keywords they like to use. Now You can permanently OWN a keyword / phrase at KuleSearch.

You can buy and sell keywords for profit.

You can own keywords and lock in the top spot on results pages […]

How to get on top of a Twitter search & Get Google Listed In 48 Hours-See How

Kule Search This is amazing and VERY profitable. It will help you get high on twitter search.

Type in the words Sokule Submit A Review into a Google Search.

You will find this article on page 1 position 2

Now Type in the words Sokule Submit

You will find The same […]

Do It Anyway – Mother Teresa – Help in the Financial Crisis & Fiscal Cliff & not just making money with Jane Mark

Do It Anyway – Mother Teresa – Help in the Financial Crisis & Fiscal Cliff & not just making money with Jane Mark

Do it Anyway is a poem by Mother Teresa

We are living in very troubled times, everything is so uncertain, we are facing the fiscal cliff , recession, disasters, we […]

Exercise and diet program designed to burn fat & detox & help losing weight


7 Minute Workout Review – Lose weight and make money, exercise, good diet and lifestyle, get ready for the fiscal cliff

Hi, get in shape before the Fiscal Cliff sets in and dont get caught selling short

Here is an excellent business and membership that can make you money and get you in […]

Do It Anyway – Mother Teresa


People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest […]

Hot Tips For Financial Security

Hot Tips for Financial Security


One of the many benefits of being a Seventh-day Adventist is learning that God has an interest in us personally. Much counsel is given in the Bible regarding such important life skills as health, family relations, fellowship with other believers, personal spiritual growth, and […]