March 2025

Advantages of His and her Brain by Lee Wellard

Advantages of His and her Brain by Lee Wellard

Female and male brains are different in both anatomy and physiology, and many of those differences begin in the womb. The question is no longer: “Is there a difference?” It’s: “What do these differences mean?” Researchers have found at least fifty?four genes that are produced in different amounts in male and female mouse brains prior to any male hormonal influence. Researchers have also identified more than 100 structural differences between the male and female brain

Her Brain: You’re on your computer, moving between six or seven open screens on your

desktop. Perhaps you’re juggling three or four Word documents, an Excel spreadsheet or two, and your home budgeting program. Now add another dimension: Imagine that some of the open files and programs are actually weeks old and have been running in the background the whole time. Even worse, your computer is infected with advertisements that pop up. You’ve tried to close these unwanted files and pop?ups many times. You’ve installed antispyware programs and rebooted your computer, but those pesky things just keep coming back. Welcome to a woman’s mental and emotional world. 1.

Pro’s and cons of female brains:

* Women excel at tests that measure word recall and at other tests of verbal memory.

They’re also better at remembering landmarks and where objects are located, researchers have found the same differences in very young children. 2. U.S. News

* Women can see colors and textures that men cannot see, They hear things men cannot hear, and they smell things men cannot smell.” 3

* Brain?imaging shows that men listen with only one side of their brain but women use both.

* A girl’s prefrontal cortex is generally more active than a boy’s, and her frontal lobe

generally develops at an earlier age. A women’s brain nerves are insulated by the time she is 25 years old, whereas in men it is not until they are 30 years. 4. For all practical

purposes, it is better for the man to be older than the woman if they are to be married

while still in their twenties.

* Women can listen to, comprehend, and process as many as seven separate auditory inputs, (such as conversations) at the same time, whereas men can barely follow one. One reason for this is a woman’s larger corpus callosum which connects

her left and right hemispheres and enables her to use several highly connected hearing

centers in both sides of her brain simultaneously. 5

* British researchers have found that women, when compared to men, feel more pain in

more parts of the body more often and for a longer duration. An adult woman’s skin is at

least ten times more sensitive than a man’s to touch and pressure. 6

* High oxytocin levels in women not only stimulate the desire to touch, but oxytocin also

sensitizes the touch receptors of the skin. This is why women are four to six times more

likely to touch another woman during a conversation than a man is to touch another man.

* Her brain is more sensitive to reading facial expressions and better at decoding nonverbal communication. 7. One author observes, “It is obvious to a woman when another woman is upset or feeling hurt, while a man generally has to physically witness tears or a temper tantrum or be slapped on the face before he even has a clue that anything is going on.” 8

* Women possess a greater density of neurons in parts of the temporal lobe cortex

associated with language processing and comprehension.

* Woman tend to have more depression, which is believed to be due to a 52% decrease

production of the hormone serotonin.

* In addition, the neural connections between a woman’s emotional processing and memory centers are larger, far more active, and more strongly connected to the verbal centers of the brain than in men.
She is designed to connect memories, words, and feelings, so her conversation tends to be laden with emotion and meaning.

Pro’s and Cons of Male brains:

* Men do better than women at spatial tasks such as thinking about rotating or

manipulating an object, building, and mathematics (in general). In men, on the other hand, parts of the parietal cortex, which is involved in space perception, are bigger than in women

* Less emotional in nature, however have less ability to control their emotional reactions.

* They’re also better at navigating along a route and at high-end mathematical reasoning; men have scored more perfect 800 scores on the math portion of the SAT than women have every year since 1964.

* Studies show that men can take up to seven hours longer, on average, than women to

process emotional stimuli, thoughts, and feelings. Most of the time, women need to talk in order to process, but men need time, space, and quiet. Then, to top it off, he not only has difficulty expressing his feelings in words, but he, like most men, takes much longer to process and express those feelings.9.

* So a man’s capacity to feel and express emotions is physically separated from his ability to verbally express them.

* Their capacity to feel is, to a greater degree than in women, physically divorced from their capacity to articulate; further, the emotional centers of the male brain are located far more discretely than in the woman.” 10

* His compartmentalized brain is designed to do one thing at a time; it is difficult for him

to solve a problem and converse at the same time. Scans show that when a man is sitting silently, his brain is either at rest or he’s “having a conversation with himself.”11

* It’s perfectly natural for women to want to talk about her feelings and emotions. It’s also perfectly natural for men to avoid extended conversation as much as possible—particularly if it is emotionally focused.

In genesis we read let us make man (mankind) in our image, and in the next verse we

read what that entailed “…in the image of God created he him; male and female created

he them.” 12. a man or a woman alone cannot fully represent the image of God, as God Himself has divested certain qualities in both sexes. Since God’s image is a composite of both male and female qualities, understanding them may not only help us sympathize with the deficiencies of the opposite sex, but also give us greater glimpses of the mind of God.

Bringing these differences into the home:

Instead of looking at these differences as handicaps, we should look at them as

manifold blessings. The weaknesses or deficiencies of one is found in the strength of

the other.

Advice for men:

* Listen to your wife and sympathize with her burdens, don?t try to fix them.

* Recognize that although you are needed, you can?t fill all her needs.

* Don?t try to change her, but instead try to understand her.

* Be sensitive to her emotional needs

* Praise her daily and affirm her in your love

Advice for women:

* Give him respect and let him lead

* Remember repeated fault finding or continuous urging is defined as nagging, a man

never changes through this method.

* Make your heart a cemetery for his faults.

* Understand that he doesn?t see all the little details you do, but he is working on the big picture.

* Make him feel that he is the king of the home and he will make you the queen.


1. His and Her Brain, by Walt Larimore, M.D. & Barb Larimore. Zondervan, 2008 ISBN-10:


2. U.S. News. March 7th, 2005

3. 17,8816,1032332,00.html

4. Dr. Baldwin, Neuroscientist, Wildwood Lifestyle Center & Hospital

5. Journal of Neuroscience Research vol. 41, no. 4 (December 2001): 333?37.


7. Hutt, C. “Biological bases of psychological sex differences.” Paper given to The European

Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, Rotterdam (June 1976).

8. Pease, Why Men Don’t Listen and Women Can’t Read Maps: How We’re Different and

What to Do about It (New York: Broadway Books, 2000), 19.

9. Anne Moir and Bill Moir, Why Men Don’t Iron: The Fascinating and Unalterable

Differences between Men and Women (New York: Citadel, 1999), 86.

10. Moir, Brain Sex, 136.

11. Pease, Why Men Don’t Listen and Women Can’t Read Maps, 78.

12. Genesis 1.26. King James Version

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