March 2025

An Appeal for A Friend who Needs Help

Kehl Germany Appeal copy pdf 2
I have a good friend who is very sick with Sarcoidosis of the lungs.

Sarcoidosis is a systemic inflammatory disease that can affect any organ, but when it is in the lungs, the lack of oxygen can cause damage to every organ. It is similar in nature to cancer, but the treatment is strong steroids which have quite nasty side effects, they do not cure the condition.

He is the father of 3 young children and has had this disease for 6 years. His condition has worsened over time, to the point where he now has to wear an oxygen tank all the time and even at night needs oxygen to breathe properly. In the last few weeks he has become very tired and weak, has had chronic pain, with many sleepless nights and often coughs up blood.

He is a health reformer and has used natural remedy treatments and is currently taking herbs and juices for his condition, but this has not stopped his health from deteriorating. After much research they have found that Ozone therapy may help bring his condition under control, and indeed make it go into remission. The family have made contact with a doctor in Germany, where this therapy is widely used in the treatment of life – threatening illnesses.

The doctor has treated many people with Sarcoidosis and has agreed to take him for treatment, which would include, not just Ozone therapy, but high doses of vitamins and hyperthermia (fever therapy) and other treatments specific to his condition, all under the supervision of a qualified medical doctor.

The treatment costs £5,000 for a total of 5 weeks, split into 2 sessions. They have friends in Germany they can stay with, to cut the costs down, but are seeking to raise as much as they can to cover the treatment costs. If 500 people could spare £10 that would raise the money in no time.

If you are impress you to help, please transfer donations to the following bank account.

Bank: Halifax
Account Name: Mrs Zrinka Clarke
Account No:02712106
Sort Code: 11-08-63

The amount of money raised will determine how much treatment he can receive. But 3 weeks should be enough to see if it is helping or not. For those of you who are interested in learning more about the treatment please see the following website (it is in German, but to get the English translation please press the British flag at the top right corner of the home page)

Thank you for your support in advance and we will keep you updated as to the results of the appeal and treatment. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Please keep this dear brother and his family in your prayers. Thank you.

Manjit Biant

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