March 2025

Biant Theory of Graduate Competitiveness

Biant Theory of Graduate Competitiveness 2018


Biant Theory of Graduate Competitiveness 2018

Biant Theory of Graduate Competitiveness 2018


Maturity – the maturity of an individual has a lot to do with the success of a graduate in terms of their outlook and approach to life, their attitude, determination and vibrancy about them.

Internship/Work – the quality of the internship and work can be a very decisive turning point in one’s life and career, many outcomes can come out if this which feeds into many of the other areas. There can be a big difference between an internship and an ordinary job at undergraduate level, the difference between one leading to character development and the other just a means to pay bills.

Experience – experience covers a multitude of areas, but genuine work and industry experience helps to create the confidence in interviews and working environment as well as a differential advantage to add onto your CV with credible relevant work experience. A structured internship will develop a different kind of experience than just a part time job.

Soft skills/Life skills – many employers are looking for soft skill capabilities even more so than technical skills, the more soft skills a student can develop and demonstrate the more valuable and attractive they become to an employer. Employers are also always looking for those candidates that have the ability to think through problems and have withal about them.

Technical skills – the ability to know and understand technical skills is an added bonus when applying for a job that requires a technical part to the role.

University – the university has a big part play with graduate competitiveness. The reputation of the institution, their standing within the business community and social community have a large bearing. The support and nurture and opportunities they provide to students such as internships and career connection can much to the competitiveness to a graduate.

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