March 2025

Finance for non-financial managers

Finance for non-financial managers

Programme Overview

For a manager to be effective they need to have a working knowledge of the basic principles of finance and understand its applications. This Programme transforms financial and accounting language and concepts into decision making tools a non-financial manager can use successfully every day.

Who should attend finance for non-financial managers?

This Programme has been planned for managers who face financial decisions covering cash and revenue implications, and impose controls such as budget setting or make a contribution to the wider planning process. It is designed for those who are about to be promoted into those positions or who wish to develop or refresh their financial skills. This is relevant to all levels in an organisation.

Programme Outcomes

By the end of the Programme you will have a greater understanding of and have developed the following key attributes:
• Translate plans into budgets
• Understand financial accounts and reports
• Manage resources and budgets
• Sustain good financial practice
• Understanding profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and cash flows The power of comparison and ratio analysis

Key Course Highlights

• Why organisations fail?
• Interpretation of your organisations financial management information
• Interpretation of accounts and how to spot attempts at manipulation
• The key role of monitoring and taking prompt action
• Know your costs and how they behave: fixed costs, variable costs and other costs

Understanding important accounting terminology and concepts
Organisational Planning
Outline how finance should fit into the planning and review cycle
Develop an effective business plan and budget
Understand the context of monthly management accounts and how to interpret them
Using Financial Reports to set targets

Managing Resources and Budgets
Funder Accountability
Mapping your project budget into your organisation budget
Meeting additional Funder reporting requirements
Ensuring consistency between funder accounts/management accounts and statutory accounts

Understanding the importance of working capital
Appreciating and applying VAT
Budgeting for profit & cash

The Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss vs. the cash flow statement
Cash Flow
Case Studies

Structuring financial statements
Financial Statement Linkages
Understanding and using Financial Ratios
Interpreting financial information

Working capital management
Improving financial performance
Break even analysis
Capital Investment Techniques

finance for non finance managers

finance for non finance managers

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