March 2025

Guide To Branding on Social Media Networks – Manjit

Guide To Branding on Social Media Networks

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Table Of Contents
CHAPTER #1. Introduction
CHAPTER #2. 3 Reasons To Use Social Networks For Internet Marketing
CHAPTER #3. Website promotion via social networking, search and bookmarking
CHAPTER #4. Social networking sites keep visitors coming back.
CHAPTER #5. Social Networking – The Next Great Marketing Medium?
CHAPTER #6: Social Marketing Means Higher Sales Conversions!
CHAPTER #7: Internet Marketing – Advertising on Social Networking Sites
CHAPTER #8: How to increase traffic through Social Networking sites?
CHAPTER #9: Social Networking service


Marketing and Advertising are two key factors in making money in any business and internet businesses are
no different. If you own your own website and are trying to make money with it, there is no way around it…you
need a way to drive traffic to your website in order to generate sales and make money.

Now, while there is no way around having to drive traffic to your website in order to earn money. There is a
way around having to pay for that traffic. That way is free traffic and advertising.

And that is exactly what this e-book is all about.

In this e-book you will find the simple, proven and effective ways to get free advertising and traffic so you
dont have to spend money on driving visitors to your website.

Why is this so important?

Because when you think about it, what is the biggest most expensive part of your business that eats away at
your profits the most? In most cases it is the advertising that eats away at your profits and takes money
straight out of your pocket every single month!

The methods and advice in this book will allow you to simply take away the largest expense of your internet
business, and that’s worth a lot (however much you spend on advertising).

CHAPTER #1:Reasons To Use Social Networks For Internet Marketing

People who are involved in e-commerce understand how marketing can be very expensive. In order to have
sales, marketing your products or services to people who are in need of them is vital. Social networks present
a viable internet marketing alternative or supplement. Here are 3 reasons why you should integrate social
networks into your marketing plan online.

Social networking websites are known to attract a lot of people. It has been said that the top 10 Social
Networking websites receive about 45 percent of the total number of active internet users. This really is a
proof of how powerful these websites can be.

One very good example of a prominent and extremely prolific social network is MySpace. Websites such as
MySpace give access to people of various interests. For social networking website owners, the main benefit
comes from the content that social network users produce and lodge in their site. The following are the three
benefits to business owners and internet marketers.

Number 1: They give you a large market to sell to

If you are apprehensive about integrating social networking in your overall marketing plan, recall what the Fox
Interactive President said during the Web 2.0 Summit. He noted that MySpace has managed to acquire
acquiring a user base whose number is equivalent to the population of Buffalo. Imagine how large this is. This
represents millions of users from around the world that you can sell and market to.

Using social networks for marketing purposes is very good strategy. Millions of users are attracted to these
networks. Entice these visitors to visit your website and you’ve got it made. Getting this many visitors
through other marketing means can really cost a lot, but if you use social networks you can get it for free.

Social networks like MySpace open the gates for e-commerce businessmen; these sites provide you a place
where you can market your products.

Number 2: They make targeted marketing easier

Social networks consist of several sub-networks to which one can gain access. These sub-networks have
pre-filtered members and users so a business owner can easily pick and choose groups which he is targeting
or whose members may be interested in what he has to offer.

It is amazing how deep a social network can go. It is truly a very fertile ground for one’s targeted internet
marketing efforts. All you’ll have to do is browse over the groups and find people who may be interested
in your products and services.

Number 3: They have enormous potential for boosting site traffic and sales

Though some webmasters still consider social networks as a fad meant only for teenagers, most
businessmen have realized the social networks’ potential for boosting site traffic and sales. Online and
real-world entrepreneurs alike are flocking to social networks. Affiliate marketers are not to be outwitted, and
they have begun promoting the products of their affiliate partners in social networking sites. Fad or not,
creative and strategic use of social networks can really boost a business’s earnings.

— Just Remember —

Given the wonderful opportunity that social networking sites offer, one can easily get carried away in his
marketing campaign. You must remember, however, that as with any marketing method, tact, subtlety and
strategy are all required. This is especially true for social networking sites since they are truly not for
marketing purposes. Thus, you must never be too obvious about your efforts to sell. You should always
couch your marketing pitch in a manner both personal and engaging. Go here to learn more about branding
on social networks: Claim Your Brandname Now… Click Here!

CHAPTER #2: Website promotion via social networking, search and bookmarking

If you have been trying to get traffic to your site without paying for it, you must know by now that participating
in online communities is one of the best ways. There are many different types of online communities that you
can join and most will help you get a certain amount of traffic to your site. For this article, I will focus on only
three types. Most commonly, new webmasters try to promote their website by subscribing to an online forum
or a news site such as Slashdot or Digg. In addition, there are two other overlooked communities that can
help you drive lots of traffic to your website and that includes social search engines and social bookmarking

When it comes to using an online forum or news site as part of your marketing campaign it is important that
you remember the most essential rule and that is, do not spam. Make sure that you are actively participating
in the discussion and that you are not there just to promote your website. Many of these forums such as
Slashdot and Digg use a moderation system that allows other users to give your posting such a low score
that the vast majority of people will never see it. This is what will happen to you if you spam the forum other
than of course getting banned all together. If you ad meaningful comments to a discussion, other users will
become interested in what else you have to say and they will visit your website either via your signature or
your profile.

In addition, social search engines have, recently, been gaining popularity. The internet consists of billions of
websites and dishonest webmasters have been busy keyword optimizing their sites just to profit from
Adsense. It has become very difficult for surfers to find the most relevant sites to their queries. Even
Google’s results even though the best compared to other search engines often are not the most relevant.
In an effort to avoid this clutter, web users are coming together in social search engines such as
to create a searchable collection of websites with useful content. If you are a webmaster and you want to
promote your content rich site and your search engine optimization is not working then you might want to
consider submitting your website to one of these social search engines.

Finally, social bookmarking sites such as are becoming very popular and you can definitely use
them to promote your site. In social bookmarking, you store links to your favorite websites online so you can
access them from any computer that you are using. Most importantly, you can make your collection of links
public so that others can also use them. In addition, you specify a set of tags for each link that you submit.
You and other web surfers can use these tags to search for links of similar interest to their own. This is how
you can promote your site. Simply bookmark your site and tag it with the most relevant keywords. Then,
when other people search using these keywords, your site will come up and they might pay you a visit. If
people enjoy your website, they might bookmark it themselves increasing the chances that others will come
across it.

CHAPTER #3: Social networking sites keep visitors coming back.

These days, if you want to make sure that your getting, holding, and retaining website visitors that are hungry
for whatever it is that you might have to offer then you will want to make sure that you keep up with the new
trend of social networking.

Having the best computer systems or the new how to book that will revolutionize some industry or an
awesome recipe that makes spam into a tasty treat is just not enough to entice internet shoppers to purchase
your product anymore.

With all of the research tools such as the amazons, and google search enabled, price comparing websites,
shoppers are only going to become returning loyal shoppers when they feel that they know you and can trust
you and that you offer some distinct content that they can identify with.

Net savvy consumers are not going to trust strangers with their money anymore regardless how good a
product or service might actually be.

Social networking sites are seeing strong growth and have developed a unique online presence that is
continually refreshed by user generated content, and this promotes ongoing consumer interest and visitor

So where are the visitors that you want and need at your web- site gathering and more importantly, returning
and staying?

According to Nielsen//NetRatings, heads the list with 38.4 million unique visitors and a year over year growth rate of 367 percent.

Blogger takes the Next position at number 2, garnering 18.5 million unique visitors and growing 80 percent
year over year, followed by Classmates Online with 12.9 million unique visitors and a 10 percent
year-over-year increase. Rounding out the top five social networks is the New on the scene “YouTube” and
the old guard and standby “MSN Groups” with 12.5 million and 10.6 million unique visitors, respectively.
Although it’s not certain yet how strong these social sites will become given the youthful nature of most of
their clientele, it is certain that they will not be going anywhere soon.

Those youthful members of such online communities Buy, and when they do, they also tell their friends, “a lot
of friends” about that cool new widget that they just bought from a great website that they found from their

Repeat visitors are up to 8 times more likely to make a purchase than a new visitor according to a study by ”
study by WebSideStory”.

The normal conversion rate of between 1.5% and 3% for new visitors has never been much to get excited
about, but with an estimated 45% of all internet users spending more and more of their time at MySpace,
MSN Groups, and elsewhere, website trade is also growing at a tremendous pace with up to 23% conversion
rates not uncommon.

CHAPTER #4: Social Networking for Business

Usually organizations have a common theme, and it is an understood implication that all members participate
to improve themselves and their businesses.

Whether it is a chamber of commerce or a trade association, members have common problems, issues and
concerns. By sharing issues and resolutions, members can benefit by the experience of others. Many
business owners participate in organizations, not only to network, but also to hopefully circumvent some of
the pitfalls encountered by other small businesses–learning from others.

Networking Tips.

Many trade organizations provide forums for networking. In some cases, these might be private online
newsgroups, casual meetings, or even professional events with speakers. In order to take full advantage of
these networking opportunities consider these tips.

Who You Know.

It is often not who you know, but who they know. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen someone
put-off someone who is clearly a beginner only to learn that the “beginner” is the brother or friend of a contact
they’ve been trying to meet for weeks.


Be honest. Pretending to be something that you are not, or implying you can deliver a product or service that
is outside of your abilities, will foster an environment of distrust and potentially harm your reputation. Keep in
mind that networking is viral?vital? and if promises are not kept, word will spread. Establishing yourself and
firm as an honest, reputable company.


Keep conversations to strictly business subjects. In a business environment, it is important to focus on safe
non-emotional topics. The last thing you want to do is alienate or offend a potential client because of an
outspoken view on a controversial topic. There is a time and a place for everything and discussing political
views or cultural issues is not a generally accepted business topic. Bearing that in mind, it is also important to
be aware and sensitive to cultural differences. The Internet has opened doors to a global market and
respecting cultural differences is critical to establishing strong business relationships in the global


Now is not the time to be a wall flower. Whether you participate in social business events, or monitor trade
forums, it is critical that you participate. Participation will help you distinguish yourself in your industry.
Attempt to remember individual personal details and foster introductions among others in the industry.


Stay positive. It sounds simple, but it will really impact how others view you. If you are constantly negative
and pointing out the flaws in others, it will reflect on how others view you. Presenting the best and positive
business experiences will enhance your image.


Provide genuine assistance to others. Whether or not they are able to reciprocate, networking is viral?vital?.
Helping others will establish you as a useful member of your business community and will endear you to
others. If you are unable to help an individual, attempt to refer them to someone who can.


A little research goes a long way. Be sure to research people and companies in your business community.
Knowing their common goals and interests will build topics for discussions.

Acknowledging the need to connect with others to grow and expand a business may seem like common
sense. Cultivating business relationships and interact with other small businesses is often mutually beneficial
and should not be underestimated.

Networking is about building relationships and mutual interaction benefiting both parties. Being proactive and
following up, you can have a network of contacts that you will be able to access quickly when you need them.
Whether by more traditional means, such as in person or over the Internet, personal networks are essential
for furthering your business. Relationship networking is give and take, be sure to help others in your quest for

Have you claimed your name/brand name on leading social media properties? If not, go here:
Claim Your Brandname Now… Click Here!

CHAPTER #5: Social Networking – The Next Great Marketing Medium?

There has been a virtual explosion of social networking sites in the past couple of years. Even the big players
like Google, Yahoo and MSN are getting into it.

With so much interest in how social networks work, one begins to wonder if there is marketing potential within
these social networks?

I’ve been watching social networking for some time now. In fact I’m a member of various social networking
sites including and just to name two.

I joined partly because I wanted to see what they were, but more importantly to see what impact social
networking would have on SEM in the coming years.

I’ve been a member of various services for some time and the reach these sites have is incredible.
For example, from my LinkedIn network of seven people I have an expanded network of over 12,600 people.

Imagine that – I’m only a click or two away from close to 13,000 other people who share my similar interests
ranging from what I like to watch on TV to work I could provide to them.

Through my connections and their connections, I’m connected to people ranging from the American Cancer
Society, to Sun Microsystems to the University of Texas to Google.

But what marketing opportunities are there for Social Networking?

Well, let’s look at MySpace.

MySpace is one of the top sites on the Web today. It racked up 9.4 billion page-views in August 2005 (more
than Google) and new users are signing up at a mind-boggling rate of 3.5 million a month.

MySpace is typical of where today’s 18-30 year old goes to manage their digital life. It allows users to
post photos of themselves and their friends, create a blog, list their favorite bands, view and share videos,
suggest things to do and lists a set of people they consider friends. It is on this “Friends List” where most of
the opportunities lie.

All thirty million plus users of MySpace have a friend’s page that lists people that person considers their
friend. This is a list of people that they are interested in talking to and about, as well as hearing from on a
regular basis. Once you add someone as your friend they can send you emails, comment on your photos,
read your blogs, as well as leave messages that you can then share with others. This is an opportunity for
instant feedback about you.

The ability to add friends to your page is key for marketing to MySpace users. According to Courtney Holt,
head of new media and strategic marketing at Interscope Records, “This generation is growing up without
having ever watched programmed media “They don’t think in terms of the album, and they don’t think in
terms of a TV schedule. They think in terms of TiVo, P2P, AOL, and of course MySpace.

You can see how this could grow.

Let’s say you create a MySpace account to talk about your product or service. You blog about it and search
for others that may share your interests.

You then invite them to be your friend. When they become a friend you start your “soft sell” pitching your
product to them.

As they grow to appreciate it, they start blogging and sharing it. Soon hundreds or even thousand of people
are talking about you and your product or service.

Don’t think this will work?

Let me give you some examples. There are many bands who have gotten their start on MySpace. Simply by
hosting some of their music online and blogging about themselves they developed a following. Soon they had
record deals and contracts lined up.

Of course to use services like MySpace you need to have something this target market needs. If you don’t
then you probably shouldn’t put too much effort into MySpace.

But that doesn’t mean other social networking opportunities should be overlooked. As I mentioned above,
LinkedIn is more of a professional introduction service. If your product or service fits here then by all means
explore it further.

And there are others as well. Services such as Yahoo!s MyWeb, Flickr, and more.
So if you’ve ever wondered what other online opportunities could be out there, consider branding via social
networking. It could be the next great online marketing channel.

CHAPTER #6: Social Marketing Means Higher Sales Conversions!

In this new frontier of SOCIAL MARKETING, you can spike your traffic FAST, and if you do it right, you get
LONG TERM search engine traffic too. It’s really the best of both worlds. Free traffic and higher search
engine rankings!

Plus! Higher Conversions

Here’s the final key ingredient… and that’s the fact that social marketing means that the huge flood of EXTRA
traffic you are going to get on your site is already PRE-SOLD. You already have a relationship with them…
and they are going to convert into customers at a rate you haven’t seen since your grandmother visited your
lemonade stand when you were a kid.

It’s this simple… people like to buy from people that they already know, like, and trust. And your social
marketing campaign will give you the kind of presence so that people already KNOW you, LIKE you, and
TRUST you before they even hit your web site. It’s not rocket science.

In a recent test performed by a well respected marketing analysis firm, a site that
runs online tests and records the results in their newsletters. They recently concluded a 12-month test where
they measured the results of social marketing versus buying paid traffic to a series of 4 sites.

Here is what they found:

Using social marketing, they were able to generate over 93,000 visitors to their sites, paying an employee to
do the social marketing work for a total of $3600 during that time, resulting in a total cost per visitor of 4

Then they ran a one month test driving traffic from Google AdWords. Using that strategy, they obtained 2,057
visitors after investing $1,250 in click costs, resulting in a cost per visitor of 61 cents. Four 4 cents versus 61
cents – social marketing yielded a 1,427% better return on their investment. Not bad!

By now I’m sure that you’re foaming at the mouth, wanting to dive in and take advantage of the huge
opportunity that Social Marketing presents.

My newest product devoted to applying the techniques of getting traffic from social networking, involves three
sites that will get your social marketing off to a great start. They are MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. In my
videos I show you why they work and how to set them up to get the fastest results.

There are no secrets! It’s all about creating a presence on each one, developing friends and a
relationship with your friends! The rest (traffic) comes naturally when you use social networking the right way!

CHAPTER#7: Internet Marketing – Advertising on Social Networking Sites

When you are looking for different places where you can use your Internet marketing skills, then you may
want to check out some social networking sites. However, before you start using these kinds of sites, you
may first want to know, what is a social networking site and how can it helps you? Well, a social networking
site is a place where tons of people go to hang out online. This is a place where people will spend tons of
time with friends just chatting the day away. Now that you know what social networking is, you should be able
to see how this could help an online business. Think of it like this. If your business was not online, you would
want to place your ads in areas that had a lot of people. Think of a social networking site as being like a mall.
If you just place your ad in a gas station, then only a few people would see it. However, if you have an ad in
the mall, then the people that are working there, the people that are shopping there, and the people that are
hanging out there are all going to see your ad. This means that social networking sites are kind of like the
“mall” on the Internet.

If people are going to be online at these sites all the time, then you might as well make the most out of it. The
best way to do that is to advertise on these sites. However, there is a right way and a wrong way. Just like a
lot of other online sites, people do not like you to go around advertising your business online at their sites.
Take MySpace for example. They do not want you to start a profile that is called “Jack’s Online Meat Shop”
and try to get people to go to your site by spending a lot of time on MySpace and advertising your business.

This would be the wrong way to go about advertising. However, if you have an ad that you want to place on
MySpace, then all you need to do is talk to the people that run the site. Tell them that you would like to place
some ads on their site, and you would like to know how much that would cost you. Then you can find out how
many ads you can place on their site and how much it’s going to cost you.

There are tons of place where you can advertise online, but if you are going to spend money to advertise,
then you might as well do it in a place that is going to make you a lot of money. There is no reason to spend
money putting ads all over the Internet if it’s not going to help you. If your site does not get a lot of traffic, then
people are not going to want to place ads on your site. So the next time you are thinking about different
places you would like to advertise, remember that the more people that are hanging out at that site, the
better. This means that you are going to have to spend your money on the sites you know are going to make
you a ton of money.

Here’s some first-hand information on securing backlinks and driving traffic using social media networks:
Claim Your Brandname Now… Click Here!

CHAPTER #8: How to increase traffic through Social Networking sites?

Nowadays, Social networking sites popularity is increasing day by day like facebook, myspace, orkut, digg
etc., we can say social networking is one of the best and free ways for increase traffic on our site. Social
networking is important in blogging and if you can’t do social networking then it’s a rare chance that
you’ll be successful in blogging. Leaving comments and trackbacks is part of social networking. Apart
from that is part of one of the popular Social news networks.

(1). Increase traffic through Friends
Friends are the heart of the social networking attitude, and when promoting content this can be a valuable
tool in viral marketing. The more friends you have in your network, the more visibility you will have when

(2). Increase traffic through Blogs
Blogs are one more great way to spread the word, most blogs allow you to post nameless comments. I use
these blogs to post a comment then I include a link to one of my sites. I achieve a free back link for simply
commenting on a story.

(3). Increase traffic through Picture Perfect
You may not understand it, but by passing on uploading your picture, you are also passing on an opportunity
to get more people clicking on your articles. Why? Well, for one, it is known that spammers never take the
time to upload a picture. Second, it is called social networking and social bookmarking
sites. If you are trying to be social then you should put a face to your name.

(4). Increase traffic through Profile Pages
Here are a few examples of how you can increase visibility to your content. On my profile pages at,,, and I have links to all my social
network profiles & personal projects. This does 2 things; increases my link back total to my projects and shifts
visitors to my other profile pages so I get more friends! to promote your RSS feeds via your profile pages, the
service displays recent RSS activity and the service is free. If you want save enormous amounts of time and
frustration creating your profiles on more than 300 social media networks, go here: Social Media Property
Creation Services

(5). Increase traffic through bulletin
Bulletins use your friends list, basically the more friends you have the more views your bulletins receive.
Common sense! Some people use bulletins way to much and if I grasp these spammers they get deleted
ASAP. So my advice is to use this angle a few times a month and keep them simple, this raw move toward
keeps the bulletins friendly and not to over bearing.

(6). Increase traffic through Content
Nothing is more important than content. If you are a good writer and you write about interesting topics, you
are going to do well on the social networking sites. People seem to like top 10 lists, top 20 lists, etc. I suggest
that you look at to see what gets the most diggs. I have failed multiple times on getting a post
digged or stumbled, even when I thought that it was the best article ever. You don’t always win.

(7) Increase traffic through clipart and screensavers
If you have some skills in this direction then try creating clipart and screensavers. Offering these for free is
also a good way to get more traffic.

Finally, make sure that you are part of a few of the more popular social networking websites. These
memberships will be only destined to build your own network and not of overt marketing. As your social
network grows you can invite your contacts to join you on the social networking website. This should start a
sequence reaction that will get them inviting their own contacts and so on. Finally your network will grow to a
point where it becomes truly helpful.

CHAPTER #9 : Social Networking service

The internet has come about to be an effective marketing tool. The fact that more and more people are
realizing that this global platform can be used effectively to widen their horizons is evident from the huge
number of websites that are being created each day. Advertising online brings forward a whole lot of
opportunities which was otherwise unimaginable. Once the website is created the next step would definitely
be increasing the traffic to the website so that the client base can be widened with more number of visitors.

Trying to find new and more effective ways of getting traffic to the website has resulted in developing new
concepts like social networking services. You can register with any of the popular social networking sites by
opening an account and creating a profile. You must be an active member on the forums of the social
networking website. This would bring about an interaction between you and like-minded people and once you
have established yourself on the social networking site you would realize that it provides a great platform to
market your products and services.

Once you have established yourself on the social networking site , it would be a very productive platform to
promote your business. Social networking not only gives you an opportunity to connect with like minded
people but you can also simultaneously promote your business and increase the traffic to your website and
thus make a positive impact on the profitability of your business.

All that you have to make sure is that your site is interesting for people to go back and visit again. The
content of the site should be interesting and should not only be able to attract the attention of the visitor but
also retain it. Regular updates would work in the favor of the site. SEO is another technique used for
generating traffic to the site. People have content on the site that has a certain keyword density . This gets
the site a high page rank in the search engines priority list thus, the site would get a lot more traffic which the
search engine itself would divert based on the keyword searches.

Social bookmarking services are another way of increasing traffic to the website thus, contributing to the
profitability of the business. One has to register the website with a social bookmarking service . This would
lead to the website being listed with the social bookmarking service and any person making a search here
would be directed to your site. With social bookmarking sites being very popular , by registering with a social
bookmarking site you can actually cash in on their popularity.

With a little bit of effort and creativity the internet can be converted into a gold mine that would generate
business for you on a regular basis. There are several social networking sites like Myspace, Tribe and the
like. The secret to success lies in finding the right social networking service. Once you know how to utilize the
services on the web to generate traffic then there is absolutely no looking back.

Last words

I hope you understand the true importance of claiming your name/brandname in leading social networks and
everything that is talked about in this guide. I understand that creating a profile or signing up in 300 social
networks is not as easy as simply buying a bunch of traffic to send to your website, but it can be a lot more
effective and profitable!

And besides, once you start to try and explore all the ways to maximize your exposure outlined in this
guide…you will quickly get the hang of it for driving Free traffic to your websites. Now, the last thing I want to
say is this: It will take some work to start pumping your website full of as much traffic as it could possibly
handle…but it will all be worth it in the end! And even though it will take some work, it will still be relatively

The methods and techniques outlined in this guide are the same methods used by some of the biggest
names in marketing to generate overwhelming floods of traffic to their websites and generate hundreds of
thousands of dollars in sales…so rest assured, these methods really work!

So get started! There are millions of people out there that are willing to pay for your products and services; all
you have to do is let them know you exist!

To Your Success,

Claim Your Brandname Now… Click Here!

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