March 2025

Money and Me


Money and Me

The power to achieve any goal, your strength as a leader, and the influence that you exert, ultimately depends upon your personal belief system, and includes our attitudes regarding money, riches and success.

Most individuals have unconsciously set limits on the success and riches they are able to achieve. They’ll achieve a particular level of success and then come against an invisible ceiling that prevents them from growing any further.

Attempting to get beyond the ceiling becomes an intimately inconceivable challenge. You may find that everything you do to attain your goals is an enormous battle. If you go on to make progress, something often undermines your path to success. You might even discover that your life goes into chaos.


Because your actions don’t line up with your beliefs and goals!

To accomplish wealth or anything, you must desire that thing and shape your mind to attract and achieve it. However if we make our lives totally around wealth we could end up destroying it, in many respects Health is true Wealth, and having a happy contented family one that is loving is equally wealthy. I remember watching a film “Family Man” with Nicolas Cage – he realized true happiness was not just about money. Whats the point of wealth if you are all alone without no one to love you, I have met many wealthy people sad, because their partner divorced them due to neglect, we cannot buy love, only sex we can buy.

You see, everybody holds notions about money, riches and achievement. And what you think dictates the type of relationship you have with success—and the wealth that your success brings.

Among some individuals who come up against invisible ceilings when they go after wealth and success, have often beliefs that don’t support their goal and attainment of riches, like these:

“You do not have to work hard to attain income”
“Income is hard to manage”
“Income is something I feel guilty about having”
“Income is a very personal or individual matter”
“Income is really hard to get”
“Income is something I don’t merit”
“Income is the root of all evil”
“Income causes pain”

For instance, if your believe that you don’t merit having money, you’ll unconsciously determine ways to ensure that you don’t wind up with a lot of money.

You may start missing deadlines or forgetting to return calls to a key customer whose business constitutes a significant portion of your yearly revenue. As a result, the customer could leave, your business loses a lot of money—and you wind up with a lot less hard money—precisely where you unconsciously believe you should be.

The same type of belief system comes into effect regardless of what your goal—whether it’s becoming a better parent, getting into physical shape, or learning to play the piano.

When you learn how to discover your belief systems, you will be able to employ this system to bring out the unconscious beliefs you hold about anything—and everything—in your life.

Your most crucial asset in accomplishing wealth or any goal is your mind. You need to learn how to create the attitudes, behaviors, and ways of thought that deliver will your goal.

Master your mind and you’ll achieve riches and improve the overall quality of your life. A very nice film was “In Pursuit of Happyness” with Will Smith

Focus on what you want, and set goals and targets – and remember above all that money is just a tool in life and not life itself.

I always like to say, “Life does not revolve around finance, but without it you will not be able to live” Manjit Biant

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