March 2025

Whats in the Caves or They are hiding the caves from us

Have you ever been on a houseboat?

This was Anne-Marie’s second vacation at Lake Powell. She looked from the houseboat. All around
her the landscape was breathtaking – red desert, arches and cliffs, right to the water’s edge.

She tossed her head and sighed. “This dam was built in a hurry. It’s a pity…”

“What do you mean?”

“I hope not – but some say it might collapse in a few years.”

By the way, if you didn’t know, Lake Powell is the second largest man-made reservoir in the United States. It was formed by building a dam across the Colorado River, in a portion of the Grand Canyon known as Glen Canyon.


Here is a question for you: Does it hide an explosive secret?

The reservoir itself is named for John Wesley Powell,a one-armed American Civil War veteran who explored
the river using three wooden boats in 1869.

On that expedition, he discovered a system of caves which contained a multitude of ancient artefacts.
It is claimed that he catalogued and transported more than 20 tons of artefacts found in these caves.

These artefacts were loaded onto a ship in San Francisco and, supposedly bound for the Smithsonian
Institute in Washington, but the ship was never seen again.

It is thought to have been (deliberately) sunk somewhere north of the far-away Mariana Islands.

Ultimately this controversial reservoir was built over the site, covering up the artefact-filled
caves from public view.

It is alleged that among items catalogued were jade sarcophagi, copper tools annealed to a hardness which we cannot accomplish with copper today, crystal skulls, woven tapestries showing human beings riding on dinosaurs, model aircraft,electrical batteries and other artefacts of a scientifically and artistically high civilization.


In a previous newsletter, I referred to another alleged discovery in the Grand Canyon.

The Phoenix Gazette, on April 5, 1909, had released a most intriguing news report. (A full transcription
of the article can be obtained locally.)

G.A. Kinkaid, an explorer working with Professor S.A. Jordan of the Smithsonian Institution,
allegedly discovered a network of caverns, artificially hewn into the side of the Grand Canyon.

He said, “I was journeying down the Colorado river in a boat, alone, looking for mineral. Some
forty-two miles up the river from the El Tovar Crystal canyon, I saw on the east wall, stains in
the sedimentary formation about 2,000 feet above the river bed. There was no trail to this point,
but I finally reached it with great difficulty.

“Above a shelf which hid it from view from the river, was the mouth of the cave. There are steps
leading from this entrance some thirty yards to what was, at the time the cavern was inhabited,
the level of the river.”

Now, just think about that last statement. And I shall share with you its significance before the end of this letter.


Following several hundred feet of passage, the explorer found himself in a labyrinth of passages
and hundreds of rooms radiating from a central point like spokes in a wheel.

The relics seen (some of which he photographed by flashlight) were astonishing.

There were mummies, images and artefacts of a high technology. And a grey metal resembling
platinum. Everywhere he looked, hieroglyphics were to be seen.

However, be warned. If you contact the Smithsonian Institute to ask them about their supposed role in
the Grand Canyon, you will receive a polite “no records found” reply.


Ancient Egyptians in Arizona? Oh, come off it! The Egyptians did not explore the Americas,
everyone knows that, and it is not taught in any school.

Of course, we thought this also of the ancient Romans, until ancient Roman headgear, armor,
swords, coins and other artefacts were found just North of Tucson, not far from the Interstate 10 highway!

It’s an intriguing report. But the point to be made is the elevation of this site some 2,000
feet above the present river bed, with steps leading a short distance to what must have been
at that time the level of the river.


A retired Grand Canyon Ranger claims to have seen ancient, worn steps carved into the solid rock,
midway up a 1500 foot cliff.


More recently, two backpackers who entered the Grand Canyon claimed that an elevation of some
800 feet, they saw several cave entrances, just as reported in the newspaper article.

But the entrances all seemed to be sealed shut or destroyed, as if to keep everyone out.

(This raises the question, Why would anyone want to deliberately seal off caves in such a
remote area, so difficult of access?)

Being expert rock climbers, the two men climbed toward the most promising looking cave entrance.

Upon reaching the entrance they discovered that, several feet in, it had likewise been sealed
off with native rock. The entrance itself appeared to be man made. A 6 foot circular
pattern was clearly hewn into the ceiling. (Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life, Vol. II,


The question arises, if the newspaper article was a mere hoax, then what did these more
recent backpackers stumble upon? And why were the entrances to such extremely remote caves

And something else. The backpacker’s discovery was made at least 40 miles from the location
given in the newspaper article. (The site can be seen from the South Rim visitors areas.)

So, if the newspaper report was not a hoax, and the backpackers had found the real location,
could the newspaper location have been misinformation to keep people away?

An email informant, known only as “W M”, brings to light yet more significant clues. This person
apparently knows the location of the “temple” cave site as told in the 1909 newspaper article,
and has been there within the last 15 years.

He and others researched the “S.A. Jordan” that is mentioned in the 1909 article, and found a
S.A. Jordon ( “o”, not an “a” ) mentioned in a rare limited edition of the Smithsonian
Scientific Series of that era.

Apparently Jordon was an esteemed European field archaeologist (not from Idaho, as mentioned in
the 1909 newspaper article (dis-information?) who was contracted by the Smithsonian.

This respected institution has a reputation for suppressing archaeological evidence which may
threaten the orthodox scientific stance.

I should warn you. The trip is extremely arduous and requires at least six days of backpacking in
some of the most challenging terrain on the planet.

If you are interested in doing some exploring yourself, you might contact the “Back Country”
information line (520-638-7875) at the Grand Canyon, where permits are bought for backpacking
and extended hikes, both on and off trails. there are no trails to it. But will they confirm these
reports? Unless it is politically correct, don’t hold your breath…


But the point is this, If the Jordan news report is genuine, then those early Egyptian-style visitors were in a canyon whose water run-off was still copious.

They were there in the first few centuries after the Flood, with the Flood-laid sediments still
relatively soft – and easily erodable.

So that in the few millennia since that time, the river was able to drop anything up to
2,000 feet lower, cutting down through the soft sediment. Or 800 feet lower. It doesn’t matter
how much. It has not taken millions of years.

Yes, we’re talking about the trapped Flood waters left behind as giant “Flood puddles” or inland
lakes on the continents, and later their retreat, and the consequent drying out just a few thousand
years ago.

This means that the vast age of the Grand Canyon is just another myth.

Believe it, the evidence is overwhelming, that there are people in high places with almost
unlimited finances who are engineering a deliberate campaign to keep the truth from us.

With this agenda driving them, they have seized control of the education system, the media and
the entertainment industry as well.

This is not a conspiracy theory. It is FACT.

They have been deceiving us for too long. And if you’re like me you’ll want to know the truth.

Jonathan Gray

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